EXPERTSPEAK - Featured in StyleSpeak Jan 2011
Dr. Jamuna Pai holds a commanding position in the field of skin care. Trained with leading dermatologists in India and abroad she holds diplomas with credit from The British Independent Examination Board, The Royal Society of Health and The International Academy of Acupuncture.
Three individuals consult Dr Jamuna Pai on their skin problems ranging from tans to sensitivity. Read on to know what advice is given to them…
Q.Dear Doctor,
I have very sensitive skin and I tend to tan very easily. When I swim, sometimes my skin tans and even peels sometimes. I also wanted advice on what treatments I can go through if it occurs in the future again. Please help…
- Fiona D’Souza, Mumbai
A.Dear Fiona,
A sun tan is actually the body’s defense mechanism against strong sunlight and hence there is visible evidence of damage to the skin. Sun burning on the other hand in severe forms can be quite uncomfortable. It results in redness of the skin, peeling and sometimes itching. This also causes photo ageing.
The treatment for tanning includes avoiding sunlight as much as possible and the use of a sun block of any SPF at least twice a day. Use a calamine lotion during the day. Take an anti-allergic tablet during the day and night for a week along with an application of 1 % desonide lotion at bedtime. This will bring down the inflammation and peeling dramatically. The desonide should be used only for one week.
Q. Dear Doctor,
I am a 19 year old boy. I have small light scaly patches on my back and on the arms. I also have a lot of itching and skin has turned light. These patches are not throughout the body, they come and go. They (patches) are more prominent in the summer and monsoon I would like you suggest a remedy for these…
- Ashish Pal, Delhi
A. Dear Ashish,
This complaint of yours sounds like a case of fungal infection e.g. tinea versicolor. This is a common fungal infection that affects adolescents and young adults especially in summer. It causes affected skin to change colour and become either lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. The most common areas are the shoulders, back and chest. It can also affect folds of skin, such as skin under the breast or the groin.
Tinea versicolor is caused by yeast (fungus) that lives in skin of most adults. High humidity and immunity or hormone abnormalities cause the fungus to become more visible and grow. It often recurs after treatment, so treatment has to be repeated every year or two. There are many antifungal agents that are available to apply on the skin. They have to be applied twice a day for 10- 14 days. Also antifungal shampoos with 1% ketaconozole have to be used twice a week.
Q. Dear Doctor,
I am 33 years old and a company executive. I am quite attractive but I always appear to be frowning then I am not. I have these two deep lines between my eyebrows above my nose. I want to get rid of it. Can you help me? Is there a permanent way of doing this?
- Hemlata Kaur, Delhi.
A. Dear Hemlata,
With your profile these lines may have a bad impact on you towards employees. These frown lines can be completely removed with the help of Botox. As long as you are not pregnant or planning a baby in the near future or if you are suffering from any ‘myasthenia gravis’ or any other nerve or muscle disorder, then Botox is the answer for you! Tiny amounts of Botox are injected into particular muscles that cause frowning.It could take 7-10 days for the muscles to relax while it (Botox) erases the frown. The procedure needs to be done every 4 – 6 months. If there is any anxiety about taking Botox, your cosmetic doctor may use a filler injection that will erase these lines and give your face a younger and softer look.